First ILM in the UK

Karen Tregaskis | Jun 22, 2018

The Cabinet Office’s Better Information for Better Government programme team invited Karen Tregaskis, our Managing Partner to facilitate the first (we think?!) ILM for the Cabinet Office.  On her return from London, Karen shared the following observations...

The UK and NZ public services seem very similar in that both:

  • Have a culture of high integrity, genuine service for the public good and are careful with the public purse.
  • Are facing numerous and significant challenges that are highly complex and difficult to solve.

She also noted that both have different strengths:

  • The UK civil service has the scale and strength to deliver brave and powerful solutions where it chooses to.
  • The NZ public service is compact enough to drive highly collaborative and flexible responses.

Either way, Karen believes that having robust and challenging conversations at the senior leadership level ensures there is deep understanding and agreement on the problem to be solved and the outcomes that matter most. ILM continues to be a useful vehicle for gauging the commitment of senior leaders to an investment before a fortune is spent on developing a business case or designing a solution.

If you wanted to engage Karen or one of our other experienced and accredited facilitators to run an ILM session, please contact or see the Investment Decision Making section on our website.